
Monday, November 29, 2010

Shanghai hairy crabs revisited

After posting my last blog, I thought more about crab vending machines, and tried to look at it with an open mind. I found this AP video that explains the vending machine better than most of the ones I was watching in Chinese or Japanese (go figure):

I also, admittedly, like to read comments on YouTube videos, and some of them made me think:

"The only difference between these cold-but-living crabs and the ones in restaurant supply rooms is that the public can see them." --  I personally have eaten freshly killed and cooked lobsters, Dungeness crabs, and red king crabs, so I shouldn't be so squeamish, should I? The difference would be that I’ve never held them in tiny boxes and forced them into a hypothermic state before eating them. Food for thought. (Ha!)

"I'm a brit living in Nanjing and saw this machine the first time the other week. To be honest it didn't surprise me. And by China standards, it's quite humane. The crabs are kept cold so they sort of hibernate then they wake up when you get them out of the machine. Compared to the conditions that other live produce are kept in (i.e. fish and frogs and terrapins sitting in dirty water, sometimes with other dead animals in the same tank), this seems to be a step forward for China." -- Interesting point. My friend Kat has been touring Asia and witnessed a lot of different conditions for other live animals. Maybe these crabs are lucky.

"Finally a way to defeat the GIANT ENEMY CRAB!" -- NO! WRONG! Thumbs down on your opinion, buddy!!

An Alaskan opinion found here.

There's still the question of management, but I like taking a fresh look at difficult topics! What do you think?

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